SHORT PAPER The PATRICIA project: Summary of the pathways component
This resource provides a summary of the analysis of how child protection (CP) systems manage reports of child maltreatment when domestic and family violence (DFV) is identified.
The pathways component is one of three components that make up the PATRICIA project: “PaThways and Research In Collaborative Inter-Agency working”. The research questions that were explored were the following:
- How have rates of DFV in CP reports changed over time in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia?
- What are the pathways through the CP system for families where DFV is identified in the initial report, and how do these differ from families where DFV is not identified as a concern?
- What other identified CP concerns tend to co-occur in families where DFV is identified?
This resource will be useful for policymakers and practitioners working across the child protection and DFV sector because it further considers:
- why responses to CP notifications are the same despite different reasons for the notification (i.e. physical abuse, sexual abuse, DFV)
- what factors contribute to how children progress through the child protection system
- trends within and between different jurisdictions in their responses to child protection
- patterns of child protection reporting and re-reporting over time.
Suggested citation
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. (2015). The PATRICIA project: Summary of the pathways component. ANROWS.