Crossing the line: Lived experience of sexual violence among trans women of colour from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in Australia
These resources were produced as part of ANROWS research entitled Crossing the line: Lived experience of sexual violence among trans women of colour from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in Australia.
This project set out to increase understanding of the lived experience of being a trans woman of colour living in Australia, in relation to gender transitioning and experiences of sexual violence.
Responding to sexual violence against trans women of colour from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: A practice guide is a short resource designed for frontline responders who work with trans women of colour with experiences of sexual violence. Drawing upon the research recommendations, it outlines how to improve practice when working with trans women of colour who experience violence.
Crossing the line: Lived experience of sexual violence among trans women of colour in Australia is a visual resource ideal for presentations in workshops and in-services with frontline responders who encounter trans women of colour with experiences of sexual violence in their service provision.