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Perpetrator interventions
An outcome of the National Plan is that “Perpetrators stop their violence and are held to account”. To achieve this outcome, ANROWS is dedicated to improving the evidence base for working with people who use violence.
ANROWS research explores interventions with perpetrators of violence in Australia, including men’s behaviour change programs and other community-based responses, as well as interventions in the context of the criminal justice, child protection and family law systems.
The 2023–2027 People who use domestic, family and sexual violence research program is currently underway.
Below is a collection of resources, papers, reports and research projects relating to perpetrator interventions.
Papers and reports
The role of men’s behaviour change programs in addressing men’s use of domestic, family and sexual violence:
An evidence brief
Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report:
Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018
Workplace technology-facilitated sexual harassment:
Perpetration, responses and prevention
What works?
A qualitative exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violence
Special collection
Interventions for perpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia
Find out moreResearch summary
Invisible practices:
Intervention with fathers who use violence: Key findings and future directions
State of knowledge
Perpetrator interventions in Australia:
Part one: Literature review
State of knowledge
Perpetrator interventions in Australia:
Part two: Perpetrator pathways and mapping
Research summary
Innovative models in addressing violence against Indigenous women:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Men’s behaviour change programs: Measuring outcomes and improving program quality:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Engaging men who use violence: Invitational narrative approaches:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
The PIPA project: Positive interventions for perpetrators of adolescent violence in the home:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Defining quality of life indicators for measuring perpetrator intervention effectiveness:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Community-based approaches to sexual offender reintegration:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions: Mapping the purpose and practices of partner contact:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Best practice principles for working with men from refugee backgrounds who use domestic and family violence:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Developing LGBTQ programs for perpetrators and victims and survivors of domestic and family violence:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
The views of Australian judicial officers on domestic and family violence perpetrator interventions:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
The client–worker relationship in men’s behaviour change programs:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Evaluating behaviour change programs for men who use domestic and family violence:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Good practice in responding to young people with harmful sexual behaviours:
Key findings and future directions
Research summary
Improving accountability: The role of perpetrator intervention systems:
Key findings and future directions
Research report
Family violence policies, legislation and services:
Improving access and suitability for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men
Research report
Adverse childhood experiences among youth who offend:
Examining exposure to domestic and family violence for male youth who perpetrate sexual harm and violence
Fact sheets and resources
Tips for reporting findings from Australia’s first national report on filicides in the context of domestic and family violence
Find out moreFACT SHEET
“Who is going to be that voice?”
What we know about parents killing their children in the context of domestic and family violence
Research summary
What works?
A qualitative exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violence
Special collection
Perpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence: Special collection
June 2019 (updated June 2020)
Practice guide
Practice guide: Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions
Find out moreGuidelines
The Evaluation Guide:
A guide for evaluating behaviour change programs for men who use domestic and family violence
Enhancing practice when working with men from refugee backgrounds who use domestic and family violence
Find out moreWebinar
The practice of partner contact and prioritising women’s safety in domestic violence perpetrator interventions
Find out moreWebinar
Enhancing practice when working with men from refugee backgrounds who use domestic and family violence
Find out moreWebinar
A practice discussion on working with men who use violence in the justice system:
An integrated response model
Further reading
ANROWS Digital Library
Find out morefind out more
Contact ANROWS
PO Box Q389, Queen Victoria Building NSW 1230
Email: [email protected]