Insights and special collections
This ANROWS work includes practice frameworks, evidence syntheses and occasional papers.
In their own right: Actions to improve children and young people’s safety from domestic, family and sexual violence
This guide outlines key actions for consistent and effective policy responses for children and young people experiencing violence, who are often overlooked by the systems and services meant to support their safety.
ViewMissing, murdered and incarcerated Indigenous women in Australia: A literature review
Missing, murdered and incarcerated Indigenous women in Australia: A literature review
ViewMeasuring research impact: A case study of the PATRICIA project on child protection policy, practice and outcomes
This report examines the links between research, knowledge dissemination, and the subsequent policy and practice impact of the PATRICIA project.
ViewEconomic security and intimate partner violence
This synthesis focuses on the nexus of women’s safety and women’s economic security.
ViewBest practice for working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in addressing violence against women
This resource captures ten insights from ANROWS’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Projects with Action Research (CALD PAR) initiative.
ViewInterventions for perpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia
This paper synthesises the key findings and recommendations arising from 20 ANROWS research reports between 2018 and 2020.
ViewDefining and responding to coercive control: Policy brief
This policy brief is designed to assist policymakers developing legal or policy and practice frameworks to prevent or respond to coercive control in relation to domestic and family violence.
ViewEvaluation Quick Guides
ANROWS’s Evaluation Quick Guides series focuses on aspects of evaluation relevant to the VAW sector. These Quick Guides provide succinct tips, advice and examples of applying evaluation concepts, frameworks and skills, as well as links to useful resources.
ViewThe dangerous combination of gambling and domestic and family violence against women: Practice guide for gambling counsellors, financial counsellors and domestic and family violence workers
This guide has been developed to build the capacity of workers in the DFV, gambling help and financial counselling sectors in order to support women who have been affected by DFV (including economic abuse) from a male partner, where the DFV is linked to the woman’s or her male partner’s gambling.
ViewWorking across sectors to meet the needs of clients experiencing domestic and family violence
This paper collates and synthesises the evidence on interagency collaboration, and offers recommendations and resources for policymakers and practitioners seeking to implement an integrated approach to service provision.
ViewViolence against women and mental health
This paper provides a synthesis of ANROWS’s research on violence against women and mental health, examining the ways that mental health intersects with trauma, complex trauma, disability, coercive control, access to justice and parenting.
ViewWomen’s imprisonment and domestic, family and sexual violence
This paper contexualises ANROWS’s research on the close links between imprisonment and DFV and sexual violence.
ViewThe Evaluation guide: A guide for evaluating behaviour change programs for men who use domestic and family violence
The evaluation guide is pitched at men’s behaviour change practitioners who might be conducting an in-house evaluation, as well as funders, practitioners or practice designers who might be commissioning an external evaluation.
ViewPrevention of violence against women and safer pathways to services: Ten research insights from the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Projects with Action Research (CALD PAR) initiative.
This report provides key insights into “what works” for prevention and safer pathways activities engaging CALD communities in Australia.
ViewAttitudes towards violence against women and gender equality among people in NSW: Summary findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS)
This report is a summary of the 2017 NCAS results for the NSW community, and follows reports on the Australian population and demographic groups of interest.
ViewPerpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence: Special collection - June 2019 (updated June 2020)
DownloadPreventing domestic and family violence: Action research reports from five Australian local government councils
The purpose of this volume is to document the use of action research in evaluating domestic and family violence prevention activities in local government authorities around Australia.
ViewAttitudes towards violence against women and gender equality among Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders: Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS)
This report presents key findings from the 2017 NCAS focusing on results for respondents who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
ViewYoung Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality: Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS)
This report presents key findings from the 2017 NCAS focusing on results for young Australians aged 16 to 24. It also presents the reflections of young people on the findings.
ViewAttitudes towards violence against women and gender equality among people from non-English speaking countries: Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS)
This report presents key findings from the 2017 NCAS focusing on results for survey respondents who were born in a country where English is not the main language spoken (referred to as N-MESC).
ViewIntimate partner sexual violence: Research synthesis (2nd ed.)
This paper provides a synthesis of the evidence on intimate partner sexual violence, examining its characteristics, current service responses and prevention activities.
ViewMethodology report: Survey redevelopment and implementation of the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS)
This report has been written to document the methods used in the redevelopment of the survey instrument, data collection and analysis.
DownloadNational Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS): Methodology report appendices
The appendices to the 2017 NCAS methodology report.
DownloadDomestic and family violence, housing insecurity and homelessness:
Research synthesis (2nd ed.)
This synthesis examines the intersection of housing insecurity and homelessness and domestic and family violence, including recommendations for policy and practice.
ViewNational Risk Assessment Principles Cover National Risk Assessment Principles for domestic and family violence
An overarching national understanding of risk and managing risk in the area of DFV, to provide a guide for developing, revising or evaluating risk assessment frameworks, tools and resources.
ViewResearch summary: The impacts of domestic and family violence on children (2nd ed.)
The major issues identified in the ANROWS research relevant to children and DFV. This paper includes future research directions and a list of relevant resources.
DownloadViolence against women: Accurate use of key statistics
A quick reference guide to key statistics on violence against women in Australia, aimed at ensuring that relevant statistics are interpreted with care, and based on the most reliable data available in the field.
DownloadResources to address violence against women in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, July 2018
DownloadEvaluating interventions related to violence against women
A guide and key steps to evaluating interventions related to violence against women, aiming to improve services, secure funding and acknowledge the quality of practitioners’ work and that of their clients.
ViewEvidence to action and local action as evidence: Findings from the Building Safe Communities for Women and their Children Action Research Support Initiative
The findings from the Building Safe Communities for Women and their Children projects.
DownloadBuilding Safe Communities for Women and their Children: A compendium of stories from the field
This compendium, a companion of the action research support initiative report, outlines what projects did and what they learned so that other community-based projects might learn from, and then build upon, local knowledge and practice.
DownloadSubmission on review of the sexual consent provisions in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)
ANROWS's submission to the review of consent and knowledge of consent in relation to sexual assault offences in s 61HA of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).
DownloadTime for renewed national commitment to action
ANROWS inaugural chair, Emeritus Professor Anne R. Edwards AO, delivered the opening address at ANROWS's National Research Conference on Tuesday 23 February 2016.
DownloadANROWS's approach to knowledge translation and exchange: What is it and how do we do it?
ANROWS CEO Heather Nancarrow delivered this address in the opening session of ANROWS's inaugural National Research Conference on Tuesday 23 February 2016.
DownloadThe international drive to achieve gender equality and the elimination of gender-based violence against women and girls
In February 2015 Emeritus Professor Anne R. Edwards AO delivered the opening address at the inaugural Asia–Pacific conference on gendered violence and violations, organised by the Gendered Violence Research Network, UNSW.
DownloadANROWS Public Lecture with Professor Leigh Goodmark
Professor Goodmark’s scholarship focuses on legal and justice responses to violence against women and finding “justice beyond the justice system” for women who struggle to find redress from within the justice system.
ViewPublic lecture by Professor Liz Kelly CBE: Re-visiting the continuum of sexual violence in the 21st century
In February 2015 Professor Liz Kelly CBE delivered a public lecture in Adelaide on revisiting the continuum of sexual violence in the 21st century.
ViewinConversation with Professor Leigh Goodmark and Professor Rosalind Croucher AM
In 2015, Professor Leigh Goodmark came to Australia to discuss her research and practice experience through funding received under the Fulbright Specialist Program as part of a partnership with the University of Queensland.
ViewinConversation with Professor Liz Kelly CBE and Dr Anastasia Powell
Professor Liz Kelly CBE, co-chair of the End Violence against Women Coalition UK and professor of sexualised violence at London Metropolitan University speaks with Dr Anastasia Powell, senior lecturer in justice and legal studies at RMIT University.
Viewfind out more
Contact ANROWS
PO Box Q389, Queen Victoria Building NSW 1230
Email: [email protected]