INSIGHTS Intimate partner sexual violence: Research synthesis 2nd Ed.
This paper provides a synthesis of the evidence on intimate partner sexual violence, examining its characteristics, current service responses and prevention activities. It includes a case study and recommendations for policy and practice.
This paper is not intended to be a comprehensive literature review — it focuses on existing ANROWS research, while also drawing on recent grey literature for further supporting evidence. The specific focus on intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV) is intended to complement, not detract from, the importance of attention to the wide range of sexual violence perpetration and experiences that occur outside of the intimate partner context.
This synthesis is designed for policy-makers and practitioners engaging with people affected by domestic and sexual violence, and/or who are developing policy frameworks responsive to and inclusive of sexual assault in the context of domestic and family violence.
This research synthesis contains descriptions of physical and sexual violence, and child abuse.
Publication details
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. (2019). Intimate partner sexual violence: Research synthesis (2nd Ed.; ANROWS Insights, 08/2019). Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.