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Our research

Violence against women and children affects everybody. It impacts on the health, wellbeing and safety of a significant proportion of Australians throughout all states and territories and places an enormous burden on the nation’s economy across family and community services, health and hospitals, income-support and criminal justice systems.


News and events

ANROWS hosts events as part of its knowledge transfer and exchange work, including public lectures, workshops and research launches. Details of upcoming ANROWS activities and news are available from the list on the right.



ANROWS was established by the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments of Australia to produce, disseminate and assist in applying evidence for policy and practice addressing violence against women and children.



To support the take-up of evidence, ANROWS offers a range of resources developed from research to support practitioners and policy-makers in delivering evidence-based interventions.

Supporting the action research evaluation of Victoria University’s “Gender Equality through Employability Skills” project

June 2022

This project is funded as part of the Victorian Government’s Higher Education State Investment Fund.

The project aims to promote more inclusive, respectful and diverse workplaces through applied research on gender equality and employability skills in VET trades contexts.

Per the Victorian Government’s Free from Violence Prevention Strategy and First Action Plan 2018–2021, this is intended as primary prevention of family violence and violence against women in Melbourne’s west.

Support provided

ANROWS’s role is to act as a “critical friend” in the design of the project. ANROWS will also advise on how to evaluate, measure, capture and demonstrate the change resulting from and impact of the project.

During the contextual research phase of the project (August 2021 to December 2021), ANROWS will :

  • provide feedback on project design, evaluation, and collection of evidence of change (e.g. journaling, survey design etc.)
  • suggest how to capture change using action research methods
  • help identify “what’s missing”/gaps in research design
  • provide advice on the iterative nature of methodology to show “change” in milestone reporting – that is, current impacts (e.g. the “ripples in the pond” from informal discussions, interviews etc.)
  • advise on best practice and help provide an evidence base for measuring change.

During the co-design of the gender transformative pedagogy (early 2022), ANROWS will provide feedback on measuring the impact of the gender-transformative pedagogy process/intervention.


Project Manager

Dr Peter Ninnes, ANROWS


This evaluation is funded by the Victorian Government through Victoria University.

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