Healthy minds, healthy bodies, healthy relationships
18 months
Community-controlled health services can become critical intervention points for people who use domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV).
Mununjali Health Service (MHS), a new Indigenous health service, was created to promote, develop and expand comprehensive health care through community-controlled health services in Beaudesert, Queensland.
In partnership with the Social Research Centre (SRC), this research project will utilise a community-led, participatory approach to develop a health response to addressing DFSV and complementary evaluation framework to measure the impact.
Research aims
The research aims to understand the health profile of people who use violence in order to develop a needs-based intervention. The community-led approach will be a case study of the methods and tools used for designing a health response to addressing DFSV and create a complementary evaluation framework and implementation.
The methodology is centred on Aboriginal voices through participatory action research in a place-based setting. The methods used will be designed in conjunction with community members, Elders and stakeholders. Collection of qualitative and quantitative data will be undertaken and supported by knowledge translation, sense-making and iterative dialogue in workshops, peer groups and yarning circles.
This research will produce an evidence base for culturally appropriate local health services in Beaudesert, Queensland to not only build the capacity of the Mununjali Health Service (MHS), but also demonstrate the need for further funding for their services.
It will contribute to knowledge gaps about the profile of users of DFSV as well as refining evidence related to the health determinants of perpetration. This work will provide a case study of place-based participatory research with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
Additionally, aspects of this project will contribute to Australia’s First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing Measures that are culturally derived.
Project lead
Paul Paulson, Chair, Mununjali Health Services
Research team
Barry Fisher, First Nations Researcher, Social Research Centre
Kylie Brosnan, Head of Strategy, Social Research Centre
Danielle Thornton, Senior Research Consultant, Social Research Centre
Stephen Cuttriss, Research Director, Social Research Centre
Alex Cahill, Senior Research Consultant, Social Research Centre
Nikki Honey, Head of Longitudinal Studies, Social Research Centre
Daryl Higgins, Director, Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University
$255,512.63 (excluding GST)
This project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.