Fourth Action Plan research
ANROWS is leading the program of research to be delivered under the Fourth Action Plan (4AP) of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
The purpose of this program of research is to continue to produce, disseminate and assist in applying evidence for policy and practice to address violence against women and their children.
The 4AP program of research responds to five priority areas that represent the range of responses needed to tackle domestic, family and sexual violence, from primary prevention to improving service and support systems:
- Research priority 1: Primary prevention is key.
- Research priority 2: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children.
- Research priority 3: Respect, listen and respond to the diverse lived experience and knowledge of women and their children affected by violence.
- Research priority 4: Respond to sexual violence and harassment.
- Research priority 5: Improving support and service system responses to domestic and family violence.