FACT SHEET Using a trauma- and violence-informed framework in practice
This fact sheet provides insight into how practitioners might implement a trauma- and violence-informed care framework in practice. It was developed to assist practitioners in health settings working with victims and survivors of sexual violence experiencing poor mental health.
The fact sheet utilises a model that was developed as part of the “Women’s Input to a Trauma-informed systems model of care in Health settings: The WITH study”. This study included the voices of women who had experienced sexual violence and poor mental health and practitioners to develop a suitable approach for practitioners in mental health and sexual violence services. The model presented in this fact sheet can be used by practitioners in these healthcare settings to help implement a trauma- and violence-informed framework.
Successful implementation of the model is driven by two questions:
- How does the work get done across services?
- Why does the work happen that way?
The building blocks of the model are:
- relationship building
- integrated co-ordinated care
- reflective system
- environment and workplace scan.
- The fact sheet expands on the building blocks of the model in order to demonstrate how they connect.
Suggested citation
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. (2015). Using a trauma-and-violence-informed framework in practice [Fact sheet]. ANROWS.