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Our research

Violence against women and children affects everybody. It impacts on the health, wellbeing and safety of a significant proportion of Australians throughout all states and territories and places an enormous burden on the nation’s economy across family and community services, health and hospitals, income-support and criminal justice systems.


News and events

ANROWS hosts events as part of its knowledge transfer and exchange work, including public lectures, workshops and research launches. Details of upcoming ANROWS activities and news are available from the list on the right.



ANROWS was established by the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments of Australia to produce, disseminate and assist in applying evidence for policy and practice addressing violence against women and children.



To support the take-up of evidence, ANROWS offers a range of resources developed from research to support practitioners and policy-makers in delivering evidence-based interventions.


Family violence perpetrator-focused screening and risk assessment: Identifying current practice and future opportunities


Findings from recent reviews, including the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, the Queensland Special Taskforce "Not Now Not Ever" report and the work of the Council of Australian Governments, have revealed the need to develop new policies and practices to better respond to perpetrators of domestic and family violence (DFV). This project will conduct the first national examination of current practices and future directions for screening, identifying, assessing and managing men’s risk of DFV perpetration across specialist men’s and mainstream services in Australia.


This project aims to:
- address the current knowledge gap surrounding DFV screening and risk assessment practices among services responding to identified DFV perpetrators
- identify current screening, risk identification and referral practices for DFV in men accessing non-DFV specific services
- examine current risk assessment practices for men identified as DFV perpetrators and critically examine how these translate into information sharing and coordinated risk monitoring and management.


To achieve its aims, the project adopts a multi-methods research design that combines qualitative and quantitative data collection, including a scoping review, a national survey and practitioner focus groups. This will allow the research to capture current practice, to identify better practice and future challenges, and to develop new knowledge and practice recommendations.


The project findings will be relevant to all Australian states and territories and will be disseminated using a range of strategies, with a particular focus on knowledge translation to practitioners and policymakers. It will assist in developing policy and practice guidelines and recommendations to inform better perpetrator screening, risk assessment and management practice across Australian state and territory jurisdictions.

Funding Body

Australian Institute of Criminology: Criminology Research Grant

Project start date

August 2020

Expected completion date

November 2021
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