Intimate partner violence and the Western Australian justice system: A victim perspective
This research involves interviewing female victims of intimate partner violence about their experiences with the Western Australian justice system (WAJS). The study focuses on females who have experienced abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, financial and psychological abuse, by a current or previous intimate partner. The semi-structured interviews focus on victim experiences with police, lawyers and courts, and interviews will be coded using NVivo. While studies have examined the "mechanics" of the justice system’s response to intimate partner violence, there is little evidence about how victims perceive the WAJS. By describing the experiences victims have with the justice system's primary institutions, we can better determine whether the current system is meeting victims' needs.
This research aims to determine whether the WAJS meets victims' expectations. This research also hopes to establish if the experiences and interactions victims have with police, lawyers and the courts influence continual or future engagement with the WAJS.
The target population is female victims of intimate partner violence who have engaged with the WAJS. Flyers are in various counselling services, on domestic violence Facebook sites and at the Southern Communities Advocacy Legal Education Service (SCALES), and describe the study and the criteria for participation. The research involves conducting semi-structured interviews to understand the "lived experiences" of study participants. Engagement with the justice system must include involvement with police, duty or private lawyers and the courts, on an intimate partner violence case involving a current or previous partner. Interview data will be coded and evaluated using NVivo and then assessed alongside previous research.